Why a Chinese made Rakko makes sense

As of now we decided to manufacture the Rakko in China instead of France for the following reasons:

On the material

The stainless steel will be coming from China no matter where we manufacture as it is the main worldwide producer and exporter.

Manufacturing on site avoid shipping tonnes of unnecessary materials to France and then ship back to China the production wastes.


On the shipping

The Rakko only weight 19g so even if a thousand units are shipped they will only weight 19kg for a parcel roughly the size of an A4 ream paper.


On the sustainability

The manufacturer is RoHS compliant, which means that it follows a European directive encouraging eco conception, waste sorting and recycling.


On the manufacturing

The manufacturing process is fully automated and the same in France, China or any part of the world, making the product in France would not bring a special French savoir-faire, it would onl add to the labour cost.

Furthermore, we found out that French manufacturer were having a hard time reaching the quality of their Chinese counterpart, so it was a no brainer to partner with qualified makers and give you the best version of the Rakko possible.


Kimera Beers - 1st serie


The Rakko